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Repairs can range from minor gelcoat and paint repairs to major structural and total restorations. Wood, fiberglass, Carbon and Kevlar are all able to be repaired at Turning Point. It is also the only shop utilizing resin infusion to make repairs. The goal with every repair, is to make the boat better than it was before.
Repairs range from simple gelcoat repairs to more complex structural ones. Returning a boat to it's original condition is always the goal.
Turning Point is "THE" place for infusion repairs. The Resin Infusion process is used by a handful of manufacturers. These boats are built to be lightweight and strong and the repair process should match. These repairs are complex and require a special type of resin and equipment. Turning Point is well versed in the process and has the equipment to repair these state-of-the-art kayaks.
More complex gel coat repairs are no problem at Turning Point. Once the structural issues are addressed, bringing back the aesthetic part of the repair can be addressed.
Wood composite repairs are also a specialty of Turning Point. Returning a Guillemot "Museum Quality" build to it's original flawless condition is no problem.
Very few repair shops are able to perform total restorations. Here we love taking old boats a breathing new life into them. People develop an attachment to their boats after paddling them for years. The cost to revitalize their beloved boats is far less than the replacement cost. Total gelcoat replacement is possible, returning older boats to better than new condition.
Again, an older but loved boat gets new life with a custom fitted cockpit. Enhancing the "body to boat" connection is a fairly simple process.
Specialty gelcoat jobs are also no problem. This restoration was accomplished through careful preparation followed by several coats of clear gelcoat.
Color changes are also possible. Here the original coaming and seam color was updated to a more striking contrast of black.
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